David's Chair is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit. EIN:82-2102576

David's Chair Options to Donate

David was just the start - help us grow his legacy

David envisioned a fleet of Action Track Chairs that hundreds—if not thousands—of people with mobility challenges could use to enjoy freedom and independence.

David longed too give people back the ability to say “I CAN!”, instead of only being able to say “I wish…”
“I can go fishing!”
“I can go hunting!”
“I can go hiking!”
“I can!”
If you’d like to help us fulfill his vision—and grow it beyond what he could have imagined—please consider making a donation of any amount. Checks may be made out to David's Chair Outdoor Mobility Systems and mailed to:
185 Eastern St. Suite 400
White City OR, 97503

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